3D Modeling - Earth Rise Tutorial Dr. R.L. Kellogg This disk contains the IFF images, objects and stage for creating a 64 frame animation of the rotating earth above the moon's horizon using Impulse's IMAGINE 3D rendering program. The image of the moon is from the NASA Apollo-15 astronauts, digitized by Virtual Reality Laboratories. The AVID article on this disk is copyrighted by AVID publishers. However, the animation images, objects, and renders are freely distributed as long as credit is given to AVID and the author. Contents Read.me This text file EarthRise.ascii Article "3D Modeling: Earth Rise - An Imagine Project" Describes the step by step creation and set up of a 3D rendering of the rotating earth above the lunar landscape. Im_Images Directory with the following 640x400 HiRes images: EarthMap-outline.pic EarthMap-colormap.pic EarthMap-clouds.pic MoonHorizon.pic Im_Objects Directory with the following Imagine 3D objects earth.obj wireframe sphere of earth clouds.obj wireframe sphere of atmosphere earth.grp wireframe group of earth & clouds moon.obj wireframe rectangle of moon Im_Projects Directory with the following Imagine projects: EarthAnim.imp (dir) Imagine project directory containing the following: object (dir) empty staging staging information EarthRise-Ham (dir) sub-project for HAM EarthRise-HiRes (dir) sub-project for HiRes EarthRise-24 (dir) sub-project for ILBM-24 Note: each of the EarthRise directories have a "specs" file which defines the image rendering mode used by Imagine. The full name of these EarthRise directories has .pix appended. Im_Pix Directory with the following rendered images: Ham (dir) pic.0014 Ham image of frame 14 Ham-E (dir) pic.0014 HamE image of frame 14 based on ILBM-24 image HiRes (dir) pic.0014 HiRes image of frame 14 ILBM-24 (dir) pic.0014 ILBM-24 image of frame 14 not renderable with std Amiga hardware & software, but useable by 24 bit image programs. C showanim display program - animations (Gary Bonham) less display program - text (Bob Leivian) m display program - images (Sebastiano Vigna) mostra.lzh lharc archive of m lharc lharc v.1.0 (Paolo Zibetti) Copy and use these files in your own C directory. Let imagination be your guide. Enjoy. First Principles Dr. R.L. Kellogg 7509 Dew Wood Dr. Rockville, Md. 20855 (301)-963-2057